Social Dialogue

The Federation provides guidance and support to member business and employer organizations who are engaged in negotiations with trade unions, in introducing new collective agreements and reviewing existing collective agreements.
UFEZ believes that collective bargaining is a specific form of social dialogue as well as a form of co-regulation which can make an important contribution to the inclusive and effective governance of work.  It has positive effects on stability, equality, compliance, the resilience of enterprises and labour market.
Collective bargaining also encourages the devolution of rule-making and encouragement of co-regulation thereby enabling the parties to tailor rules to their particular circumstances and adapt them when circumstances change
It can help to forge resilience in the short term, facilitating the tradeoffs required to ensure business continuity and save jobs and earnings, while transforming work practices in the long run.
The Federation facilitates capacity building for collective bargaining by targeting management representatives and union officials to ensure effective and efficient bargaining process.